Less pain, better movement, a better life.
We utilize medical massage therapies
for the prevention of injury &
relief of persistent pain.
We help people have
less pain, better movement & a better life.
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Are you tired of hurting?
Favorite Self-Care Products
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Favorite products for headaches or base of skull pain:
See blog from March 30, 2020
For chronic suffers, nice to have on hand when a headache hits.
Topical magnesium foam. Great for leg cramps or tight muscles.
Something to remember while icing: it is possible to burn yourself so be sure to place a thin fabric between your skin and the ice pack like a tshirt. The general rule is 20 minutes on 40 minutes off then repeat.
Magnesium supplement for tight or cramping muscles:
I love this stuff and take up to 4 at a time, especially before bed. (I like MyoCalm Plus as well.)
Massage Balls:
Varying sizes and densities for different purposes.
Super soft for rolling out chest muscles against a wall.
Dense lacrosse balls and peanut.
5" less firm ball great for Piriformis and gluteal muscles.
Dense lacrosse peanut.
Dense lacrosse balls for massage.
5" more firm ball great for Piriformis and gluteal muscles.
Stretching Tools:
My feet crave these when I've gone too long without using them. Immediate relief. Knock offs
don't compare.
Place between upper back and your office chair for a hallelujah
stretch to open
the chest.
I love this tool!!! I've had mine for years.
Toe Stretchers:
Be warned these are addictive. Here is another great tool you will come to crave. There's quite a difference in price and intensity.
This style is less expensive and less intense but you will still need to build up gradually. Build up to an hour or more.
Women's Yoga Toes...build up to 10 minutes.
You can use a broom stick if it's long enough.
This style is less expensive and less intense but you will still need to build up gradually. Build up to an hour or more.
Men's Yoga Toes...build up to 10 minutes.
There's no substitute for an inflatable ball for opening up the front line. Just lay on your back with arms outstretched.
Stretch Out Strap with exercise book.
Posture Tools:
Soooooo many good things could go in this category. Standing desks, ball chairs, posture alarms...
I use this every day in my car. If your lower back hurts on long drives this is for you! It's a game changer.
A cheap, easy fix for better seated posture. Feet on the ball are really handy when not in use.
A posture retraining brace.
Wobble Cushions for hard seats.
This chair looks SOOOOO COOL!! (To be honest, I haven't tried it.)